The Slingshot Blog
Get the latest trends in project management, team collaboration, data visualization and more. Here we share our knowledge, best advice, how-tos, research, insights, and more - all with the aim of helping you boost team results.

Slingshot Hierarchy: How Different Teams Reach Greatness All the Same
Workspaces can either stand on their own as a single entity or you can create workspaces within your workspace to have an organized hierarchy. Let’s go through some use cases and benefits for each:

Setting Up Cloud Storage Providers in Slingshot: A No-Limit Workflow
Content within Slingshot is stored and shared in a blink of an eye, and searching for files in various places is made obsolete, so teams can focus on the essential work instead of wasting time.

Organizing Content Boards in Slingshot
A content board is a dedicated place within your Workspace where you can quickly and easily pin, organize, manage and navigate your team’s key content.

Top 10 Productivity Flows to Increase Efficiency in Slingshot
Тeams that achieve good productivity flow are sure to work at peak level and save time. At the same time, they never get stuck and have clarity of goals and overall awareness.

Data-Driven Culture: Why Do You Need It and How to Enable It
We've all heard that data matters for any company role. Data is what drives decisions and there is no doubt it's the only way to trust you're making the right ones.

What Is Micromanagement and How to Deal with it?
The first step in dealing with micromanaging is understanding the reason behind a micromanager's behavior. Find out what else you should do:

9 Project Management Features to Improve Your Team’s Productivity
To help you choose the right project management software solution for your team and needs, we gathered this list of project management features that your project management software must have to deliver productivity, satisfaction, and peace of mind.

5 Tips for How to Manage Your Tasks in Slingshot
Collaboration in Slingshot chats keeps you and your team members in sync while making everything transparent and limiting the number of meetings you need to have

Data-Driven Decision Making: The Roadmap to Success
Are you still into the habit of basing a choice on a gut feeling alone? If yes, you are among those who rob their organizations from realizing their full potential. And you can trust me on this. Intuition, while often romanticized as a method for making "the right" decision simply cannot hold a candle to what data-driven insights can do.

What Is Project Management Software?
The primary purpose of the project management software is to assist project managers throughout the different project stages, and it comes with many benefits that simplify and improve your overall project management process.