Known Issues


    • When working with the JSON advanced editor in the Web platform, Date/Time fields are recognized as String fields instead.

    • When exporting a dashboard in the Web platform, there is one particular case in which you will get a blank image in place of a visualization. The issue happens when the dashboard includes a visualization that shows either an image or PDF document from a cloud provider. As a workaround, you can do the export from any other platform (Android, iOS, or Desktop).

    • Combining data sources in one visualization (data blending) is not supported for transposed data. Please note that you get transposed data by switching columns from rows in a spreadsheet.

    Issues Affecting All Platforms

    • The original data is not displayed after a Grid sorting has been removed.

    • CSV and JSON data providers don't detect numeric columns when values have a thousands separator.

    • Personal Microsoft accounts cannot connect to SharePoint data sources.