Combo Charts

    This type of chart combines two or more chart types in one single chart.

    Regular charts usually have one X-axis and one Y-axis. Combo charts can have two Y-axis, allowing you to display two different types of data points in the same chart.

    E.g., as shown below, a combo chart can display Budget vs Spend based on Territory.

    Combo chart sample within Slingshot

    To create a combo visualization, you need to:

    1. Select your data source.

    2. Choose the Combo chart from the list of chart types.

    Combo Chart in a Chart Types list
    1. Configure the label and values for both charts.
    Example of a Combo Chart visulization with configurated Label and Values

    Settings for Combo Charts

    Combo Charts configuration settings in Slingshot

    In Settings you can:

    • Choose the Style. - You can enable the Title, Legend or choose the Start Color.

    • Hide or show Axis.

    • Enable the Automatic Label Rotation.

    • Adjust the Zoom Level.

    • Change the visualization type for one or both charts. - You can choose between seven available types (Column, Stacked Column, Area, Line, Step Area, Step Line, and Spline Area).

    • Choose between Linear scale or Logarithmic. - With Logarithmic, the scale for your values will be calculated with a non-linear scale which takes magnitude into account instead of the usual linear scale.

    • Set up the minimum and maximum values for your charts. - Minimum is set to 0 by default and maximum is calculated automatically depending on your values.

    • Choose to share the left axis for both charts. - A left and right axis are used by default.

    • Switch the chart on top. - Analytics applies opacity to the chart displayed behind, to make it visually more transparent.

    • Connect this visualization to another dashboard or a URL.