Text Box Visualization

    Text Box visualizations, as their name suggests, consist of a text body and an optional title. They are not connected to a data source. A common scenario for using a Text Box is adding a text summary to your report.

    An example of a summary text box added to a dashboard

    Adding a Text Box to Your Dashboard

    To add a Text Box to an existing dashboard, you need to:

    1. Open the dashboard in Edit mode.

    2. Click/tap on the arrow on the right of the + Visualization split button and choose Text Box.

    Adding a text box in dashboard edit mode

    [!NOTE] When adding a Text box visualization to an existing dashboard, it appears at the bottom of your dashboard. You can move it by dragging it.

    Creating a Text Box as a First Visualization in a Dashboard

    Sometimes you may want to start your dashboard by creating a Text Box visualization, showing a summary or brief introduction. To access the Text Box creation menu, follow the steps below:

    1. Click/tap on the + Dashboard button in the top right corner of the initial screen.

    2. The New Visualization dialog opens and prompts you to select a data source. Click/tap on the X to close the dialog.

      New visualization dialog
    3. Click/tap on the arrow of the + Visualization split button and select Text Box.

      Text box visualization

    Working With the Text Box Visualization

    After choosing to add a new Text Box visualization, the following empty form appears:

    New text box dialog showing an empty text box form

    In this dialog you can:

    • Choose between Small, Medium and Large Text Size.

    • Select the alignment of the text (next to Text Size).

    • Write your own text in the text body (the Enter text box).

    • Add a Title. (optional)