Date Range Dashboard Filter

    Analytics supports enabling a range of dates as dashboard filters to bind your data to. This enables time-based analysis scenarios, changing one date range and filtering the whole dashboard. In order to enable the date range in the dashboard filters section, you will need to select the Add Date Filter option in the Add Filter menu.

    Date filter option in the filter drop-down menu for a visualization

    Once the date dashboard filter is enabled, it becomes available for use in the visualization binding expressions.

    Filter Date Range dialog with different options

    Using Custom Date Ranges

    Analytics offers a variety of pre-set date ranges (including Last 30, 7, or 365 days, among others) but you might want to define your range to see data within a specific date range. Selecting the Custom Date Range in the Date Filter drop-down to see a calendar with personalized day, month and age options.

    Custom Date Range calendar