Discussion List

    Discussions can be created in projects and workspaces. You can organize discussions in different lists. Discussion lists are sections dedicated to a specific subject.


    Property Type Attributes
    id string read-only
    modified string read-only
    created string read-only
    name string min = 1, max = 100
    workspace object <DocumentInfo> read-only
    project object <DocumentInfo> read-only
    discussionsCount int read-only
    discussions array <DocumentInfo> read-only


        "id": "{123456}",
        "modified": "2023-02-07T07:43:52.0000000",
        "created": "2023-02-07T07:43:52.0000000",
        "name": "Feedback",
        "workspace": {
            "id": "{123456}_ws",
            "name": "General Management"
        "project": {
            "id": "{123456}_proj",
            "name": "Customer Support"
        "discussionsCount": 0,
        "discussions": [
                "id": "{123456}",
                "name": "Threads"

    Create a discussion list

    Post request for a discussion list https://my.slingshotapp.io/v1/discussionlists

    Required parameters: None

    When you request to create a discussion list, the request body will have the following content:

    Property Type Attributes
    name string required, min = 1, max = 100
    workspace object <DocumentInfo> required, one-of
    project object <DocumentInfo> required, one-of

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    201 (Created) You successfully created a discussion list. The newly created discussion list will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "name": "Feedback",
        "project": {
            "id": "{123456}_proj",
            "name": "Customer Support"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}", "modified": "2023-02-07T07:43:52.0000000", "created": "2023-02-07T07:43:52.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "General Management" }, "project": { "id": "{123456}_proj", "name": "Customer Support" }, "discussionsCount": 0, "discussions": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Threads" } ] }

    Get a discussion list

    Get request for a discussion list ***https://my.slingshotapp.io/v1/discussionlists/{id}***

    Required parameters: the id of the discussion list

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You can view the discussion list. The requested DiscussionList will be returned in the response body.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Get all discussion lists for a parent document

    Get all request for discussion lists https://my.slingshotapp.io/v1/discussionlists/parent/{id}

    Required parameters: the id of the parent document

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You can view all the discussion lists in the parent document. The requested DiscussionList(s) will be returned in the response body in an ItemsObject (hyperlink) array.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Update a discussion list

    Patch request for a discussion list https://my.slingshotapp.io/v1/discussionlists/{id}

    Required parameters: the id of the discussion list

    When you request to update a discussion list, the request body will have the following content:

    Property Type Attributes
    name string min = 1, max = 100

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) The discussion list is updated. The updated discussion list will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "name": "Feedback"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}", "modified": "2023-02-07T07:56:13.0000000", "created": "2023-02-07T07:55:22.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "General Management" }, "project": { "id": "{123456}_proj", "name": "Q1" }, "discussionsCount": 0, "discussions": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Customer support" } ] }

    Delete a discussion list

    Delete request for a discussion list https://my.slingshotapp.io/v1/discussionlists/{id}

    Required parameters: the id of the discussion list

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    204 (No Content) The discussion list is deleted.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.