
    Organization is a workspace, where you and your colleagues can find information, uploaded by your company/workplace.


    Property Type Attributes
    id string read-only
    modified string read-only
    created string read-only
    name string read-only
    members array <MemberInfo> read-only
    workspaces array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    projects array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    pinLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    discussionLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    dashboardLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only

    Get all organizations for a current user

    Get all request for organizations

    Required parameters: None

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You can view all your organizations. The requested Organizations will be returned in the response body.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful response body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_org",
                "modified": "2023-02-06T23:17:35.0000000",
                "created": "2020-09-02T11:46:32.0000000",
                "name": "Doe",
                "members": [
                        "id": "e91e11eg_fe0b4111-c5f2-4111-1c1d-dz011eaf1982_u",
                        "role": "contributor",
                        "name": "George",
                        "email": " "
                "workspaces": [
                        "id": "{123456}_ws",
                        "name": "Customer Support "
                        "id": "{123456}_ws",
                        "name": "General Management"
                        "id": "{123456}_ws",
                        "name": "Management"
                "projects": [
                        "id": "{123456}_proj",
                        "name": "Marketing"
                        "id": "{123456}_proj",
                        "name": "HR"
                "dashboardLists": [
                        "id": "e97e10ef_org_repo"
                        "id": "e97e10ef_org_pr_repo"
                "pinLists": [
                        "id": "{123456}",
                        "name": "Q1"
                        "id": "{123456}",
                        "name": "General"
                "discussionLists": [
                        "id": "e97e10ef_2fe3912c-7cdd-47f5-8109-dd4871b6dbe1",
                        "name": "Feedback"
                        "id": "e97e10ef_ff53341e-f1a2-44ba-be2d-b277bfa5f69e",
                        "name": "Marketing"