
    In case you want to have a better overview of different initiatives and processes, bound to a group of people, you can create a project. You can create multiple projects.

    Note that users can have different roles and permissions in a project. Here you can find out more about each role.


    Property Type Attributes
    id string read-only
    modified string read-only
    created string read-only
    name string min = 1, max = 100
    description string min = 1, max = 144, nullable
    startDate string
    endDate string
    status string enum ("none", "ontarget", "atrisk", "danger", "completed")
    workspace object <DocumentInfo> read-only
    members array <MemberInfo> read-only
    requests array <MemberInfo> read-only
    pendingInvites array <MemberInfo> read-only
    pinLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    taskLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    discussionLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only
    dashboardLists array <DocumentInfo> read-only


        "id": "{123456}_proj",
        "modified": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000",
        "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000",
        "name": "Customer Support",
        "description": "Customer Support Cases",
        "startDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.0000000",
        "endDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.0000000",
        "status": "none",
        "workspace": {
            "id": "{123456}_ws",
            "name": "Management"
        "members": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "role": "owner"
        "requests": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "name": "Tim",
                "email": "",
                "role": "owner"
        "pendingInvites": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "role": "owner",
                "name": "Joan Doe",
                "email": ""
        "dashboardLists": [
                "id": "{123456}_repo",
                "name": "Q2"
        "pinLists": [
                "id": "{123456}_proj_d",
                "name": "Project Pins"
        "taskLists": [
                "id": "{123456}_tg",
                "name": "Project Tasks"
        "discussionLists": [
                "id": "{123456}",
                "name": "Project Discussions"

    Create a project

    Post request for a project

    Required parameters: None

    When you request to create a project, the request body will have the following content:

    Property Type Attributes
    name string required, min = 1, max = 100
    description string min = 1, max = 144, nullable
    startDate string
    endDate string
    status string enum ("none", "ontarget", "atrisk", "danger", "completed")
    workspace object <DocumentInfo> required
    members array <MemberInfo>

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    201 (Created) You successfully created a project. The newly created project will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "name": "Customer Support",
        "startDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.627Z",
        "endDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.627Z",
        "status": "none",
        "workspace": {
            "id": "{123456}_ws"
        "members": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "role": "owner"
        "description": "Customer Support Cases"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "name": "Customer Support", "description": "Customer Support Cases", "startDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.0000000", "endDate": "2023-02-08T09:36:12.0000000", "status": "none", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Management" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "John", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" } ] }

    Get a project

    Get request for a project ***{id}***

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You can view the project. The requested project will be returned in the response body
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Get all projects for a current user

    Get all request for projects for a current user

    Required parameters: None

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You can view all the projects that you take part in. The requested Project(s) (hyperlink) will be returned in the response body in an ItemsObject array.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Update a project

    Patch request for a project{id}

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    When you request to update a project, the request body will have the following content:

    Property Type Attributes
    name string min = 1, max = 100
    description string min = 1, max = 144, nullable
    startDate string
    endDate string
    status string enum ("none", "ontarget", "atrisk", "danger", "completed")

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) The project is updated. The updated project will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "name": "Feedback",
        "startDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.607Z",
        "endDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.607Z",
        "status": "none",
        "description": "Implementing Feedback"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-08T11:02:25.0000000", "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "description": "Implementing Feedback", "startDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "endDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "status": "none", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Management" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Vyara Todorova" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "John", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" } ] }

    Delete a project

    Delete request for a project{id}

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    204 (No Content) The project is deleted.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Add members to a project

    Post request for adding members to a project{id}/members

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    When you request to add members to a project, the request body will have the following content:

    Request body: ItemsObject <MemberInfo>

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You successfully added members to the project. The updated project will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "name": "N",
                "role": "owner"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-09T12:15:22.0000000", "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "description": "Q1", "startDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "endDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "status": "none", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Marketing" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Vyara Mitkova" }, { "id": "{123456}1_u", "role": "owner", "name": "N", "email": " " } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Joan", "email": "" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" }, { "id": "{123456}_b", "name": "Test" }, { "id": "{123456}_b", "name": "HR" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" }, { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Support Emails" } ] }

    Update members’ roles of a project

    Patch request for updating members' roles of a project{id}/members

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Request body: ItemsObject <MemberInfo>

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) The project is updated. The updated project will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "name": "Joan",
                "role": "contributor"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-09T14:39:08.0000000", "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "name": "Marketing", "description": "Research", "startDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "endDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "status": "none", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Management" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Ver" }, { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "contributor", "name": "Joan", "email": "" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Pete", "email": "" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" }, { "id": "{123456}_b", "name": "Feedback" }, { "id": "{123456}_b", "name": "HR" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" }, { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Testing" } ] }

    Remove members from a project

    Delete request for removing members from a project{id}/members

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Request body: ItemsObject <MemberInfo>

    Possible responses:

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You successfully removed members from the project. The updated project will be returned in the response body.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "name": "Nik Georgiev",
                "role": "owner"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-09T14:14:03.0000000", "created": "2023-02-08T10:28:43.0000000", "name": "Marketing", "description": "Research", "startDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "endDate": "2023-02-08T11:01:23.0000000", "status": "none", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Documentation" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Ver Petrova" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Joan Doe", "email": "" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" }, { "id": "{123456}_b", "name": "HR" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" }, { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Test" } ] }

    Grant requests access to add members to a project

    Patch request for granting requests access to add members to a project{id}/requests

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Request body: ItemsObject <MemberInfo>

    Code Description
    200 (Success) You granted access to the project.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "role": "owner"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-10T14:33:28.0000000", "created": "2023-02-10T14:14:26.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Customer Support" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Nik Tachev", "email": "" }, { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Ver", "email": "" }, { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Ron", "email": "" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Joan Doe", "email": "" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" } ] }

    [!NOTE] Only Owners can grant requests access to add members to a project.

    Deny requests to add members to a project

    Delete request for denying requests to add members to a project{id}/requests

    Required parameters: the id of the project

    Request body: ItemsObject <MemberInfo>

    Code Description
    200 (Success) The requests are denied.
    400 (Bad Request) The request was not processed because of missing or malformed parameter(s). Check the error array in the response to get an idea of what went wrong.
    403 (Forbidden) The server understands the request, but the request cannot be authorized. This can happen, for example, when you try reading an object without access. No need for re-authentication.
    404 (Not Found) The requested resource cannot be found by the server. This can be, for example, due to a specified object that doesn’t exist.

    Example of a successful request body:

        "items": [
                "id": "{123456}_u",
                "role": "owner"

    Example of a successful response body: { "id": "{123456}_proj", "modified": "2023-02-10T14:37:00.0000000", "created": "2023-02-10T14:14:26.0000000", "name": "Feedback", "workspace": { "id": "{123456}_ws", "name": "Customer Support" }, "members": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Nik Tachev", "email": "" }, { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Ver", "email": "" } ], "requests": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "name": "Tim", "email": "", "role": "owner" } ], "pendingInvites": [ { "id": "{123456}_u", "role": "owner", "name": "Joan Doe", "email": "" } ], "dashboardLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_repo", "name": "Q2" } ], "pinLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_proj_d", "name": "Project Pins" } ], "taskLists": [ { "id": "{123456}_tg", "name": "Project Tasks" } ], "discussionLists": [ { "id": "{123456}", "name": "Project Discussions" } ] }

    [!NOTE] Only Owners can deny requests access to add members to a project.