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SEO Strategy Template

What Is Included in Slingshot’s SEO Management Template?

Say goodbye to the complexities of SEO management and embrace our expertly designed pre-built tasks and workflows. Our template speeds up your SEO efforts with ready-to-use SEO dashboards, tasks, discussions, and pins.


The task section in Slingshot’s SEO Management Template includes a list of actionable SEO tasks around on-page optimization, content creation, link building, technical SEO, and more. Our intuitive task management system allows you to create tasks with specific instructions and deadlines tailored to your organization’s SEO efforts. You can assign and set dependencies, deadlines, and priorities to easily track tasks related to any SEO campaign you are working on. This facilitates seamless communication among content creators, editors, designers, web administrators, and your product team.


Brainstorm content ideas, share insights on the latest algorithm updates and SERP changes, and engage in other SEO-driven discussions.


Our experts have curated a list of resources for you and your team in the pin section of our SEO Management Template. You can browse our categories – general SEO, link building, tools, learning, and newsletters. It has something for every level, from beginner to advanced, to stay updated with everything trending in the SEO world. You can also pin your essential documents, articles, and guidelines for quick reference and easy access.


Seamlessly connect to Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other leading SEO tools to visualize your organic traffic, page rankings, and other key SEO KPIs into easily digestible charts and graphs in one of Slingshot’s pre-built SEO dashboard templates. Track multiple campaigns effortlessly, monitor traffic trends in real-time, and other vital data to quickly make data-informed decisions.

Crafted with precision with the help of our SEO specialists, our pre-built dashboards allow you to experience unparalleled insight into your overall SEO performance and provide a comprehensive view of your organic success. Seamlessly connect your accounts and promptly transform your data into visual representations within seconds.

Introducing Slingshot’s 4 powerful SEO dashboards:

Comprehensive GA4 Dashboard

Struggling to get a grasp on the new Google Analytics 4? We’ve got you covered. Gain an unmatched understanding of your website’s organic performance. Our GA4 dashboard equips you with invaluable insights, enabling you to refine your strategies and optimize your resources. By delving into key metrics, you can guide your SEO initiatives toward desired business outcomes.

Organic sessions: Monitor your Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) performance, spanning a 12-month timeline. Uncover trends that shape your website’s organic engagement.

Conversions analysis: Dive into the most important business metrics like sales and leads with YoY and MoM trends over the past year. Unveil the full spectrum of GA4 goals in your account, with the added flexibility to filter and focus on specific objectives.

Landing Page performance: Evaluate the performance of individual landing pages in detail. Witness the MoM changes in sessions and conversions captured within a 12-month context.

Google Search Console Search Performance Dashboard

Our dashboard provides a hassle-free solution to data access. Say goodbye to external tools, spreadsheets, and workarounds. With a default view that provides up to 100,000 values, you can effortlessly access comprehensive data without being constrained by Google Search Console’s 1,000-line limit.

Default view: Gain a complete overview with key metrics such as clicks, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR), enabling a deep understanding of your search performance.

Average position analysis: Visualize the shift in your average position compared to previous months, all within a 12-month timeline.

Query and page performance: Gain access to the latest query and page insights, offering a comprehensive overview of your website’s performance over the last 30 days. Effortlessly modify and adjust the date range on your dashboard to match a specific time frame, such as the duration of a targeted campaign. Within the same dashboard, you’ll also find a breakdown of data by device type and geographical location.

Next, to provide an extended view of your top-performing content over a 12-month period, we’ve separated the Google Search Console page and query reports into distinct dashboards.

12-Month Landing Page Performance Dashboard (GSC)

Experience a year’s worth of invaluable insights through our Page Performance 12-Month Dashboard, powered by Google Search Console (GSC). Display a comprehensive 12-month view of clicks and click-through rates (CTR) for each page on your website. With our intuitive analysis feature, you can seamlessly identify high-performing pages and those requiring optimization.

12-Month Query Performance Dashboard (GSC)

Our Query Performance 12-Month Dashboard powered by Google Search Console enables you to identify trends and optimize your strategy accordingly. Dive into a comprehensive 12-month view of clicks and average position for every query on your website. And then share these insights effortlessly to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders seamlessly.

We have also made it possible for you to download all 4 dashboards as PDFs, PPTs, and images allowing you to streamline your reporting.

Benefits of Using the SEO Management Template

Slingshot’s SEO Management Template is a fantastic pick for:

  • SEO specialists
  • SEO & marketing agencies
  • In-house teams
  • Website owners
  • Digital marketers
  • Content creators
  • Small business owners

Using our SEO Management Template offers numerous benefits and advantages for businesses looking to optimize their online presence and achieve better search engine rankings.

Some of the key advantages of using this template are:

Time-efficiency: Our template eliminates the need to switch between different tools and resources by centralizing tasks, discussions, and data within a single platform. Furthermore, the template’s organized structure and task management system ensures that everyone on your team knows their roles and responsibilities. This reduces communication gaps, prevents duplicated efforts, and helps everyone work cohesively.
Enhanced collaboration: Slingshot’s SEO Management Template provides built-in discussion boards, group chats, 1:1 conversations, and task-level messages. These features foster seamless communication among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned toward common SEO goals.
Centralized information: Our template serves as a central hub from which you can manage various aspects of your campaigns and projects. This includes everything from on-page optimization to off-page link building. It also enables you to keep all your SEO-related information, resources, guides, discussions, and data in one place, promoting seamless collaboration and efficient workflow.
Data-driven SEO management: With Slingshot’s interactive dashboards, you can display your key KPIs and gain data-driven insights to refine your strategies for better results. Our reporting features also make it easy to share your SEO projects with anyone you are working with inside your organization or even external SEO client services companies.
Continuous optimization: SEO is an ongoing process, and our template is designed to support continuous improvement. We’ve simplified the process of adapting your strategies based on performance insights, ensuring your competitive edge remains intact. Additionally, every element of the template is fully editable, allowing you to personalize and optimize it to suit your individual needs.

Boost Team Results with Ready-to-Use Templates

Explore our collection of ready-to-use templates, carefully crafted to cater to the needs of multiple use cases and departments. Save time and effort by trying out the template that suits your workflow best. It only takes a few clicks to get started.

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Hit your organic targets and business goals with Slingshot’s ready-to-use template.

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